Monday, March 21, 2011


Things have been pretty good for the past few weeks. She got over her cold pretty easily. I, however, was super sick a few weeks ago. I have never been that sick before in my life! It started with a sore throat and cold. I missed one day of work because of the fever and sore throat. That weekend, I was tired, but just had a regular cold. I fell asleep on the couch really early on sunday night (8:30!), and when I went to bed at 10, I started throwing up. And I really didn't stop until 3 or 4am. I even got some blankets and a pillow and tried to sleep on the bathroom floor, but our bathroom is small, and I could smell the diaper genie LOL so that didn't last long. I sent DD to daycare that morning, but there was an ice storm and the daycare closed early that day (of course.) DH had to come home from work because I couldn't take care of DD! I spent the day in bed sleeping, which I have never done before in my life. DH texted me at around 4 and asked if I was still alive down there! haha. I stayed home from work on tues to, but I was feeling a bit better. Wed I went to work, but I shouldn't have. I was so nauseated, It was the longest day ever! BUT the good thing, DD didn't get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

DD is eating pretty much everything we are these days, and that has made us realize that we do not eat enough fruits and veggies. Not even close actually.... We are carb-a-holics! I am in the process of trying to find new veggie recipes that are quick, or that I can freeze. Not getting home until 5:50pm every night means that we have been eating a lot of quick foods. I want to find some good recipes that will freeze well, so I can cook everything up ahead of time. I am not a very organized person, so I am not sure how I will get into this type of routine, but I have to do it so we can eat more than toast, pasta and soup. :)

Sat, we decided that its time for DD to get rid of her morning bottle. She is 14 months old now, and really, the bottle should have been gone altogether 2 months ago. But she resisted the sippy cup so much, she wouldn't even drink out of it until 13 months or so. Now she is fine with it. However, she is a very routine baby, and when we put milk in it, she wouldn't have anything to do with it. Milk doesn't go in a sippy cup in her world. She kept slapping it away, and would not drink out of it at all. I had to go to work, so we packed her up, brought her sippy cup with the milk with us, and away we went. She cried pretty much the whole way into town. She was hungry. I have to say, I wasn't too sad to kiss her good-bye and say have a good day as I headed off to work that morning.... I know.... Terrible.... DH fed her some yogurt and she was fine for the rest of the day. The next day, she slapped it away a few times, but then drank out of it. This am she had her arms reaching out for it as I gave it to her, and she drank all of her milk no problem at all. So that wasn't so bad. Now I guess we have to get rid of her night time bubba. I actually don't want to do that. I like holding her and feeding her at night. Its usually our make up time, as she has usually frusterated me to no end trying to get her out of the bath, diaper on, and dressed...... :S Oh well, its gotta be done!

On friday when I picked her up from daycare, the daycare worker said that DD was "crazy!" She was laughing and running around and kissing one of the little boys at daycare LOL The little boy happens to be a distant relative of hers, and he was born on the same day as her. I have the boy's mom on facebook, and she heard about it too, and that her DS was running after DD kissing her too. LOL Wish I would have seen that. Then that boy's mom's status was updated to "holy pink-eye!" Crap. I knew it was coming to my house for sure! And sure enough, she rubbed her eyes quite a bit, and yesterday morning, I noticed a tiny bit of pink in her right eye, and a bit of puss. Not enough to glue her eyelid shut, but I knew it was coming. We took her into ER before I headed to work and he said that it could be viral, and to let it be unless it gets more puss. So so far, its really mild. She is home from DC today and tomorrow because I am off, so it should be good to go by then.

New things she is doing: She is pointing at a lot of things and saying "DAT" Also, she makes this crazy face if she is trying to open something, or if we give something to her and say "try to open it." She grits her teeth and acts as if she is straining to get it open! HAHAHA its sooo funny! I should really get that on video....

I have her down for a nap right now, but so far its not working LOL she has been kicking the wall for a bit now, but I think I am going to let her be for a little while longer. She has been a very good girl today. We played a lot this AM. LOVE my DD :D

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What's going on these days

We have been puke and diarrhea free for over 2 weeks!!! :) :) :) SOOO Happy! She has a cold right now that has her coughing like crazy when she first goes down at night, and at least once throughout the night, which is worrisome. We thought she was going to throw up at one point last night because she was coughing so hard. But she kept sleeping. Poor little girl.

She hasn't said any new words lately. I don't think I should worry yet, but she is almost 14 months old, and at 18 months old, they say she should be able to say at least 18 words. DD says like 3. Mama, dada(sometimes), and Bah. She points to what she wants now.

Her latest thing is that she likes her Dada more than her mama. It kinda sucks, but what can you do. Just makes me think I did something wrong.

She is throwing more temper tantrums. I have to put my hand behind her head as she throws her head down, just to make sure she doesn't hurt herself, but then I pretty much let her go. Of course my MIL says "my kids never did that." Bullsh*t. She still does that and so does SIL. ugh.

She is eating much more adult food these days. She had a full turkey dinner and cake last weekend! She is eating almost everything we are which is pretty cool. She still doesn't love new textures, or colder temperatures. She throws a lot of her food on the floor.... hehe. I've been noticing lately that she is changing a lot lately. She is growing up fast. This morning when DH was getting her dressed, she was "talking" to me. She would be like "ba ba dada mama" and I would say "really?! What else happened?" And she would continue "mamababadada." It was pretty cute. Love her so much.

We had to buy her new jammies, she grew out of a lot of her old ones. I still haven't packed them away though.... no time for anything these days! I'll have to get to it soon though, because I am getting annoyed putting ones that don't fit on her because I can't remember which ones still fit....

She hates getting out of the bath. She yells and cries and tries to run away. Its always a fight.

Yesterday she started arching her back and screaming when I put her in the carseat. Looks like this is going to be a new trend. LOL

I am having trouble making Healthy suppers in time during the week. We don't get home till close to 6, and then I have to make supper after that. We don't have a lot of money either, so things have to be made on the cheap. Plus I can't eat wheat... yep. Awesome. Slow cooker works well once or twice a week, but I need to find cheaper options for the slow cooker, as chicken, roast, or ham every day is too much.

One thing that really made me sad was the other day when I went to pick DD up from daycare, the worker said "DD had a great day today! I don't think I heard her cry at all." And they said they heard her laugh for the first time that day!!!! OMG So basically DD has been unhappy there for the past 2 months. Ugh that makes me sooo sad. Although, she has been sick non stop for the past 2 months too, so she may not have been feeling up to herself.... but still.... breaks my heart. I was pissed they never told me at first, but then I thought that knowing would make it so much harder because I don't have a choice in the matter, and it would hurt and suck even more than it already does having to leave her there, knowing she hated it.