Thursday, April 28, 2011


Well, it feels like its been forever since I wrote.... as usual, a lot has happened! LO is so cute. I think I fall more in love with her everyday! She now says mama, dada, bubba, up, dis, dat, byes, oh, and baby. She is also throwing temper tantrums at daycare (oh joy...). The day before last, she threw 3 very big tempertantrums for silly things like not being allowed to climb on the table! One of them was so big that the director came out of her office because she thought LO was hurt because she was screaming so loud! Yesterday, she was playing on the floor at DC and another child BIT her! Its a really bad bite too, but it didn't break the skin, so thats good.

I am not adjusting well to being a working mom! I can't seem to get everything done and it seems as though food and cleaning have taken a backseat to everything else.... I'm trying to get organized, but I can't seem to do it! My Easter shopping got done the day before Easter!! I took LO to see the Easter bunny on the day before Easter, because I realized I hadn't taken her to see him yet. We approached the bunny, who was interacting with another child. I made a big deal out of him. "Oh who is that!! Its the easter bunny!!!!" She was looking interested, so I thought maybe. He was ready for us, so I brought her close to him. She held on to me VERY tightly... I sat down next to him and was still making a big deal out of him. She was thinking maybe.... I then put her hand on his fur.... she pulled her hand away... I started to give her to him, and she started crying and squeezing on to me. I decided after a few tries, to not get the picture this year. I don't see the point in making my child freak out and cry just to get a picture. Maybe next year. But I still felt good about actually taking her.

I bought her a VERY sweet Easter dress, and for her Easter treats, I got a sand pail and shovel, put some plastic bags in it, and some purple tissue paper on top, and then put a chocolate smelling stuffed rabbit, a few small chocolate bunnies, a chocolate coated marshmallow bunny in it. I also bought her a bunny purse (dollar store!) and some eggs filled with hair ties! We also bought some plastic eggs and put some reese's bunnies in them. Easter morning, she had to go and find them. I honestly didn't think she would catch on at all, being 15 months old, but she did. She got almost all of them! Then she carried some of the eggs around all day, and still even has a few kicking around! She also got one open and took a bite of the peanut butter bunny, foil and all..... I wish I had a picture of THAT face!!! HAHA. We then went over to great grammies for supper with the family.

A few weeks ago, grammy and grampy came over to visit. They brought coffee and doughnuts. LO had never had a donut before, so grammie broke her off a piece. She LOVED it. She licked the chocolate, and walked around giggling as she ate it. Then she came back for more, and more.... I think mom fed her over half the donut.... then all of the sudden, she stood behind her toy chair, and pushed it into the kitchen, and then turned around and pushed it back to the livingroom, and back to the kitchen, and back to the living room.... this continued on for 45 min!!!! She just ran back and forth! Mom says "you might want to give her a bit of sugar now and then to get her used to it!!!" She was starting to slow down a bit, so I said "is it time for nappy naps?" LO walked over to her door, knocked on the door and waited for me to open the door. Once the door was open, she went over to her crib, and waited! I picked her up, put her in her crib, and she rolled over and went to sleep for 2 hours! Mom couldn't believe it. She kept saying "Is she putting herself to BED!!???"

I have been feeling pretty guilty lately. I feel that between work, and life in general, I don't get to spend enough time with LO. It's part of the whole trying to figure out how to balance everything. But really, I don't feel like i have enough time to spend with her. We are always at work, or driving, or making supper, etc etc. Leaving the house at 6:50am and getting home at 6pm doesn't give a lot of time for anything but getting dressed. baths, bottles, and food. Its terrible. But there is nothing I can do about that right now :-(

Today I took LO to hubby's work to visit with grammy and grampy and dada. As we were leaving, she made a fishy face!! We laughed sooooo hard! She sucked her cheeks in and bit on them to make the fishy face! TOO FREAKING CUTE!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


LO has started saying "Bye" recently. She loves to wave, sometimes with both hands, and say Bye. Love her. She has had a terrible cough lately. We took her to the doctor last night (she was tired and had tempertantrums on the floor in the waiting room!) and he said that she sounds clear and that her ear infection she had last week has pretty much cleared up. While we were in the doctor's office waiting for the dr to come in, LO sat on the foot stool and kicked her feet under it lol Hubby said that it is unreal how fast she is growing up. She is a little girl now, not a baby. The dr said to her that she has beautiful eyelashes, and there is nothing he could put on someone to have eyelashes like that. :D She's a pretty little girl :) If I sit on the floor and ask her to give me hugs, she will run over to me and spread her arms wide and tackle me. LOVE IT!!!! I took her to a baby easter party on sat. She loved playing with her friends. One of the little boys kept pushing her down. She didn't love that too much, but other than that she had a great time. Everyone was saying how petite she is and that she is too little to be walking. She has been walking for 4 months now, but she is still really small so it kinda looks funny hehe. When she saw the easter bunny, she smiled and waved, but when it was her turn to sit on his knee and get a present, she was scared and reached her arms out to me LOL poor girl! She was getting tired and was starting to have fits. At one point she was a the door and she got mad because a little boy wouldn't let her through, so I thought. She lost it and started screaming. I thought she was having a fit so I ignored her at first, then I picked her up and consoled her, although I still thought she was just throwing a fit. A little while later I noticed a bit of blood in her nail bed! The poor thing was hurt and I was thinking she was faking! I felt sooo bad!!!!!! :(

I was getting her ready for her bath as fast as I could last night because hubby had to leave and we were out late at her doctors appointment. I ended up putting her in the tub and forgetting to take her socks off!!! She thought that was hilarious.

She signs all done and more now. I gave her a new food the other day, and she took one bite, and started wildly signing MORE MORE MORE MORE LMFAO. Too funny.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

2 new things she started yesterday!

Yesterday afternoon, she nodded for the first time! There was music playing, so we thought she was head banging.v ccccvcvv b nm b vv vv dfs cn b bb mbbb i love my mvom my b soooooooooo much nb bv yttv 000mommy is cool

LOL LO is very interested in the computer these days. Mommy and Daddy are on one every day, so she is getting very curious. Hence the typing lesson that is all over this post. The legible words are hubby trying to type in btw DD's typing...

Anyways, we thought she was headbanging, but at supper at her great grandma's, she nodded again! And this AM we asked if she wanted a cookie (to keep her out of the garbage DH was trying to take out....) she nodded yes! :)

Yesterday, again at great grandma's place, she was doing something and my mom asked her something, she said "wha" and mom said OMG she said What!! But I didn't really notice it. Then someone was talking, and LO came around the corner and said "What"!!! I couldn't believe it! Mom couldn't believe it either because it was the whole word, more or less. Very cool. She is changing a lot lately. She had a growth spurt too, so she is taller and a bit heavier. 20 lbs LOL She is still small for her age in weight though lol. Love her so much!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Snow day. In April.

She is now saying "Dis" and "Dat" which is so cool. She was chit chatting like crazy yesterday, TOO CUTE! She was saying "Bahabahabahabahabahabahabahba mamamammaahahhahahamammam"

Today we are kinda snowed in. Its the first weekend hubby and I have off together in about a month, and it snowed like crazy yesterday. Yay. We could get out if we wanted, but we're having just as much fun sitting in our jammies and watching DD play. She's had us read "Hand Hand fingers thumb" 5 times already, and its not even 8am!

On thursday we put her down in the parking lot of mom's store and let her walk around with DH. She had a great time. She started running though, and I knew that she would fall. Sure enough, but she didn't even scrape herself, she just got up and continued. Then she found the only mud puddle in the whole area, and sat in it. ICK! LOL Her butt was covered in mud!!!

Wed night, she got away from DH when he was changing her bum. She was wearing a diaper shirt that was open, so it covered everything perfectly LOL She was running from one side of the house to the other laughing herself silly! It was so funny. Then she took her diaper shirt and flipped up! Front and back at different times! We were laughing so hard!!! I even caught it on tape! :)

The daycare is saying that she is a happy girl and that she is funny. Its nice to know she is finally comfortable there. It took over 2 months, but she is finally herself there. Mind you, she was sick for pretty much 2 and a half months straight, so I am sure that would play in. They had a photographer come in and take "school pictures" on monday. First, I think that is a total money grab, but oh well. I guess I may as well get used to it now. That morning was so messed up because, like always, we didn't plan ahead. I knew what I wanted to put on her, but I didn't try it on her, and I asked hubby to find her shoes, but he didn't. So that morning, I put on her dress (the same one she wore to her first birthday party, because we didn't think ahead and go shopping, because we don't really have the money) and found out it was TOO SMALL!!!! So we put another one on her which ended up being a bit too big, but it worked. But we couldn't find her shoes anywhere. Hubby didn't look for them the night before like I asked him too, so there we were in the AM running around looking for them. I sent him to the car to look for them and he said they weren't there either. So I said whatever, we'll send her without any. I was not impressed, but what can you do. I decided to take the one shoe we could find with us, and when hubby was in the coffee shop, I looked in the backseat and after 30 sec, found the other shoe. UGH Hubby! I was glad to find the other shoe so we didn't have to send her without any.... even if white shoes would have looked so much better.

She is very curious about the computer. Today she is trying to 'type' on it LOL. She sees mommy and daddy playing on them all the time!

We may have to get out of the house after all.... hubby is driving me nuts. He knows I am typing and he says "did you finish typing the msg to your mom?" I reply with "Yes, a long time ago." He says "Oh I thought you were going to send your mom a msg." ??? WTF?? He needs a hearing test, I am so sure of it. I repeated what I had said, and he said "Oh I thought you said no." WTF how does yes sound like no, and even so, I said " A long time ago?!?!?!" UGh, this could be a long day.