Still being sick, my brain is a little foggy. When I was making the baby's bottle at lunch, I lost count of how many scoops of formula I had put in the bottle. I needed 4, but I wasn't sure if I had 3 or 4 in there. I read that if you put too much formula in the bottle and not enough water, it can overload their kidneys. I was leaning towards 3 scoops being in there, but I didn't want to take the chance. I also didn't want to waste the bottle, so I mixed it up and had a look at it. It looked pretty normal, so I gave it to her. She drank for a bit, but at about half way through the bottle, she started blowing air into the bottle through the nipple!!!! I laughed and asked her what she was doing, and she smiled at me! HAHA Then she blew into it some more! You could see the bubbles going in like blowing air into your drink through a straw when you were a kid! It was pretty funny. I have never seen her do that before! So I got the hint. I threw it out and made a 4oz bottle correctly... and she ate half of it.
She was playing in her exasaucer today and I looked over to see her pull on one of the toys (it makes music and lights up some shapes on the arch) and lean way back to watch the lights go! She'd lean forward, pull on it, and then lean way back so she could see it! Too cute!
She's grabbing at things a lot more. Two different times today, I was holding her when I went to get her bottle. I carried her bottle and her, and she stretched her arm out trying to get the bottle. She will grab right on to it and shove it in her mouth. She's been doing this for a little while, but I haven't written anything about it yet. She will also reach for glasses. The last few times we've gone out for breakfast, she has reached for our glasses. Usually my juice, but sometimes hubby's coffee mug, so we have to really keep an eye on her! My hubby is addicted to a local coffee spot and whenever he has a cup from this place, my daughter stares at it and has grabbed it on its way up to his mouth LOL She knows. HAHA
We bath her in a tub at the kitchen sink, although she is getting into things a lot more now and we'll soon have to move her to the bathroom. Today she was in the tub and she kept turning off the facet while I was trying to run some water to rinse her off! I kept turning it on and she kept turning it off. hehe What a little bum!
She had her first diaper rash today :( I guess at over 5 months old, and not using any cream on a regular basis, we did pretty well. Its not bad at all. Just a small little patch that I found this afternoon. I put some cream on it a few times, and it looked a lot better at bath time! It didn't take too long at all. She doesn't seem to be uncomfortable because of it at all.
Nap times did not go all that well today. Today I pretty much had to rock her, which I never do. She was a bit cranky today, and I was sick, so I just did whatever I could to get her to nap so I could rest up. She had 3 short naps rather than the usual 2 longer ones. Still, the shortest was a half an hour, longest was a little over an hour. Bedtime is still going good though. Tonight she wasn't too tired because she had a little snooze in the car right before we started her bedtime routine. She basically just moved around in there. She was up about an hour and we only had to go in twice to reposition her because she got herself smooshed up against the crib again.... haha. poor thing. But now she is asleep. Hubby is off tomorrow and will be getting up with her so I can get a bit more rest. Not that she gets up really early. Today she got up really early for her and that was at 6:50am. So I know I have NOTHING to complain about. And trust me, I am so not complaining. Just need a bit of extra sleep to try to get rid of this flu. I rarely get sick, and I don't remember the last time it had me down for this long.
Night all and hope you all have great, uninterrupted sleep!
A first time mom's real situations, real mess-ups, real triumphs. Motherhood. Come on in if you dare!! :D
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Time to write a new blog description
This was my old description which I put together about a year ago.
I'm pregnant for the first time! The adventure is going to be pretty interesting, considering I have never had anyone close to me go through a pregnancy, so I really don't know what to expect! I'd like to continue the blog after the baby is born, as that should be pretty interesting too... I've changed maybe 5 diapers in my entire life?? :D
Wow how things change!! Pregnancy was an interesting adventure! Mine wasn't nearly as rough as some people's pregnancies. I had no heart burn, no back aches, I rarely got up in the middle of the night to pee, and even at the end of it, I didn't find her movements uncomfortable at all. The only real problem I had is my blood pressure was a little low, so I would have fainting spells, and I was really tired. I was put off of work in December because of this. The doctor said a few times that the baby was a bit on the small side, but so is mom, so that's ok. Once he put me off of work, the baby grew like crazy. Could have been a coincidence, but my work was very stressful, so I tend to think it was because I was able to relax a bit and not worry about it.
After the baby was born has been quite the adventure too, and will continue to be for the next 18 years or more, I'm sure! Well, I definitely have changed more than 5 diapers now!! That part really was no big deal at all. Breastfeeding, which is what I thought would be the easy part, was the big downfall for me. It did not go well at all! I'll get more into that another day. I'm still sick and can't concentrate right now.... Going to go write the new description!
I'm pregnant for the first time! The adventure is going to be pretty interesting, considering I have never had anyone close to me go through a pregnancy, so I really don't know what to expect! I'd like to continue the blog after the baby is born, as that should be pretty interesting too... I've changed maybe 5 diapers in my entire life?? :D
Wow how things change!! Pregnancy was an interesting adventure! Mine wasn't nearly as rough as some people's pregnancies. I had no heart burn, no back aches, I rarely got up in the middle of the night to pee, and even at the end of it, I didn't find her movements uncomfortable at all. The only real problem I had is my blood pressure was a little low, so I would have fainting spells, and I was really tired. I was put off of work in December because of this. The doctor said a few times that the baby was a bit on the small side, but so is mom, so that's ok. Once he put me off of work, the baby grew like crazy. Could have been a coincidence, but my work was very stressful, so I tend to think it was because I was able to relax a bit and not worry about it.
After the baby was born has been quite the adventure too, and will continue to be for the next 18 years or more, I'm sure! Well, I definitely have changed more than 5 diapers now!! That part really was no big deal at all. Breastfeeding, which is what I thought would be the easy part, was the big downfall for me. It did not go well at all! I'll get more into that another day. I'm still sick and can't concentrate right now.... Going to go write the new description!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Not to much going on today. Razberry review
I am still sick. The little one is not sleeping as much today, but is still being good. She is playing in her exesaucer (LOVE THAT THING!) at the moment. She is slightly cranky today, but she also seems to be teething a bit today too. Her Razberry teether has come in very handy today. She loves this thing. Its great because she can put it in her mouth, and let go of it to play with other toys. She also likes to turn it around and chew on the handle. Its made out of silicone and has a lot of give to it. The soother is bumpy and she seems to love the feel of it on her gums. The handle is made out of exactly the same material as the soother part, but without the bumps. This soother is god-sent! Especially if you had an early teether like I did. She started teething at barely 3 months and couldn't hold on to a regular teether. This one worked out perfectly, although at first she didn't like the soother part of it because she was used to a regular soother and this one is quite a bit larger. It still helped out a ton, and by 4 months she was loving it. You can put it in the freezer too. I don't usually do that, as she loves it just the way it is. My only complaint is that you have to rinse it off a lot because everything sticks to it lol. Other than that, I LOVE IT and recommend it to anyone who has a teething little one. As I put this Amazon link up, I realized that they are offering it MUCH cheaper than what I paid. I paid about $10 for ONE! I know where I'm going to get more! Anyways, hope you all have a great day!
Monday, June 28, 2010
I have a sleepy girl on my hands
Poor girl. She gets up at 8am everyday. She has a morning nap and an afternoon nap (If we are home) and then goes to bed at 8pm. For 5 months old, I think thats great. Especially because its been like that for a few months. She only wakes up in the middle of the night if her diaper overflows or if she gets herself wedged against the crib. Even if this happens, she only takes about 5 min to go back to sleep. Today she has slept almost 5 hours over the course of her 12 hour day today. I'm hoping that she is not coming down with what I have (fever, runny nose, cough, aches, etc). She's never been sick before, and this is a pretty rough bug. I am exposed to a lot of germs and never get sick, so this one is tough. I have been washing and purelling my hands so much they are cracked. I hope she is just sleeping it off. The poor little thing. Well, I'll let you know how it goes!
Oh middle of the night diaper changes.....
My daughter has been sleeping through the night for about 2-3 months. But the last few weeks she is moving more in her sleep, so she gets herself jammed up against the crib and cries. I don't really mind this as much, because I just go in and move her and she goes right back to sleep. So I'm up for 15min tops. Ever since she learned how to roll on to her stomach, she only wants to sleep on her stomach. I put her to bed on her back every time, and she turns right away on to her side, and eventually on to her belly. I'm not to worried about her sleeping on her belly because the experts say that its ok once they are able to turn both ways on their own. My problem is she pees through the front of her diaper and all over her sleeper and blankets! So I am usually changing her diaper and sleeper at 4am. Thank goodness it doesn't bother her and she goes right back to sleep when I put her in her crib. Super lucky that way. But I don't really know what to do because I already have her in 12 hour diapers, and if I put them on any tighter, I think it would cut off her circulation!! poor thing. Any ideas??
I have been pretty sick lately. Fever, chills, cough, etc etc. Not the end of the world, but it makes it really hard to take care of her, because I am trying SO HARD not to get her sick. I hardly ever get sick, so this bug is a strong one. I am forever using purel (my hands are SO dry!) and washing my hands. I try not to breath on her, kiss her, etc etc. Its killing me! I miss kissing her and hugging her :( She knows there is something wrong. Even my husband said yesterday that she looks sad :( But I really really hope I don't give this to her.
I have been pretty sick lately. Fever, chills, cough, etc etc. Not the end of the world, but it makes it really hard to take care of her, because I am trying SO HARD not to get her sick. I hardly ever get sick, so this bug is a strong one. I am forever using purel (my hands are SO dry!) and washing my hands. I try not to breath on her, kiss her, etc etc. Its killing me! I miss kissing her and hugging her :( She knows there is something wrong. Even my husband said yesterday that she looks sad :( But I really really hope I don't give this to her.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Short and sweet
Well, today we are pretty much taking it easy. The baby is sleeping right now, but only after 4 failed attempts to put her down for her nap. Its getting very frustrating! I can tell she is tired, and when I put her down in her crib, she puts her thumb in her mouth, closes her eyes......AND SCREAMS! It doesn't help that I am sick today either. She had a little cough, and I have a full cold. Fever, sore throat, runny nose, etc. No big deal, but I am trying SO hard not to give it to her. I'm constantly washing my hands and using purel. I'm trying not to breath on her. Hopefully she won't get it. I'll feel terrible if she does! I'm going to keep this short today because I really can't think straight! If anyone has any tips on making nap time easier, let me know!!! I think I'll take advantage of her napping right now and try to catch a little one myself. Later!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Fisher Price Cradle 'n Swing
When we got pregnant with our little one, we hadn't planned on buying a swing. We live in a small home and don't have a lot of extra space, so we opted to skip the swing. Well, after 4 weeks of having baby home, we changed our minds. I needed something that might stop her from crying, and I heard some people say swings do the trick. Well, it sure worked for us! I love her fisher price cradle 'n swing! I love the colors, (soothing greens, blues and white) and that it plays sounds as well as songs. The swing itself has 6 different speeds, and you can turn the part that the baby sits in so that she can swing in different directions. Its battery operated, which surprised me. I figured something like that would be electric. But even so, in the months that we've had it, we've only had to change the batteries twice. My only complaint about it is that the top of the swing has 2 critters hanging off of it, and they do not turn. I thought they would turn. Even so, they move with the movement of the swing. I put my daughter in the swing, turn the nature sounds on, and she stares at the critters as she swings. It takes up a bit of space, but they all do. This swing is awesome. I highly recommend it to anyone. My little one has been using it for months and still loves it. It was a lifesaver for us!
*Cough* *Cough*
Well, my LO has a cough. She hasn't been sick yet, even though we've been around tons of kids, and she's been at the hospital visiting at least 4 times. Yesterday she started with a little cough that sounded just like her "spit cough." You know, the cough they do when they're teething because there is too much spit being produced LOL But she was coughing last night in the middle of the night. Poor thing. She didn't wake up crying though. When I went in to get her up for her bottle she was awake, just laying there quietly waiting. She's such a good girl. Now this morning she has been coughing quite a bit. But it's a dry cough with no fever, or runny nose, so I'm not going to worry about it yet. Just going to keep an eye on her. Right now, she is 'chillaxin' in her swing. Speaking of, maybe I'll do a review on that next!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Triple fun exersaucer from Evenflo review
I'm going to make a point of blogging more often. As you can see, my postings have been very sporadic. Today I'm going to blog about her 3 in 1 "Triple fun" exersaucer by Evenflo. Seriously, I love this thing! I've been using it since she was a few weeks old. The first part of it is just a mat that you lay the baby on, and an arch that has a few toys that hang off of it. When you pull the toys, a song or a noise plays. One toy has a teething ring type thing on it, another has a bell in it, and the other vibrates when you pull on it. Just be careful when your child is a bit older that she doesn't pull it down on herself....My little one has done that a few times now.... The second stage of it you put the baby in a seat type thing which turns. Around the seat, there are tons of colorful toys with different textures and functions. Some make noise, some will sing a song when activated. Some have toys that can be removed and teethed on. Stage 2 is recommended for 3 months of age and above, as long as the baby can hold her head up. My little one is tiny, so when we first put her in it, she swayed quite a bit and would bonk herself on the sides... wrap baby in a blanket to overcome this. I didn't find out about that little trick until she was big enough to stand in it on her own without flopping around. Never leave your child unattended!!! She now will spend about 20 min or more in it playing with everything. There are also springs on it so the baby can bounce up and down a bit. My little one has not discovered this yet!! I'm not really sure about what stage 3 does yet, as we are a little while away from that point. But stage one and two are are great, so I don't expect anything less from stage 3. The only downfall is that it takes up a bit of space, so if you have a small place like I do, it will become a part of your decor :) For the price, and for how it grows with your child, and for how much my child loves this, I give it 5 stars!!
Nap time... or is it just scream time?
My little girl is growing up so fast! She is 5 months old already. The battle of the moment is nap time. She doesn't really have a nap schedule. She likes to take a nap in the morning, and one in the afternoon. As for specific times, what works one day will not work the next. That's partially my fault, as I take her out a lot. But these days, she will act like she's tired (yawn, rub eyes, etc) so I put her down for her nap, and she SCREAMS! This is pretty much the only time she really screams like that, except for when we are at walmart and she decides she's tired.... haha. So there are some days that I have to pick her up and try the nap time later. Lately, this is the case every day! I'm not a big fan of letting her cry it out, but sometimes I will let her cry for a few mins. She will even suck her thumb, close her eyes, and scream LOL Thank goodness this afternoon's nap went not too badly. But really, I have nothing to complain about. She eats every 4 hours from 8am to 8pm. She sleeps from 8pm to 7:30-8am, and has since she was about 3 and a half months old! She is the light of my life!
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