Still being sick, my brain is a little foggy. When I was making the baby's bottle at lunch, I lost count of how many scoops of formula I had put in the bottle. I needed 4, but I wasn't sure if I had 3 or 4 in there. I read that if you put too much formula in the bottle and not enough water, it can overload their kidneys. I was leaning towards 3 scoops being in there, but I didn't want to take the chance. I also didn't want to waste the bottle, so I mixed it up and had a look at it. It looked pretty normal, so I gave it to her. She drank for a bit, but at about half way through the bottle, she started blowing air into the bottle through the nipple!!!! I laughed and asked her what she was doing, and she smiled at me! HAHA Then she blew into it some more! You could see the bubbles going in like blowing air into your drink through a straw when you were a kid! It was pretty funny. I have never seen her do that before! So I got the hint. I threw it out and made a 4oz bottle correctly... and she ate half of it.
She was playing in her exasaucer today and I looked over to see her pull on one of the toys (it makes music and lights up some shapes on the arch) and lean way back to watch the lights go! She'd lean forward, pull on it, and then lean way back so she could see it! Too cute!
She's grabbing at things a lot more. Two different times today, I was holding her when I went to get her bottle. I carried her bottle and her, and she stretched her arm out trying to get the bottle. She will grab right on to it and shove it in her mouth. She's been doing this for a little while, but I haven't written anything about it yet. She will also reach for glasses. The last few times we've gone out for breakfast, she has reached for our glasses. Usually my juice, but sometimes hubby's coffee mug, so we have to really keep an eye on her! My hubby is addicted to a local coffee spot and whenever he has a cup from this place, my daughter stares at it and has grabbed it on its way up to his mouth LOL She knows. HAHA
We bath her in a tub at the kitchen sink, although she is getting into things a lot more now and we'll soon have to move her to the bathroom. Today she was in the tub and she kept turning off the facet while I was trying to run some water to rinse her off! I kept turning it on and she kept turning it off. hehe What a little bum!
She had her first diaper rash today :( I guess at over 5 months old, and not using any cream on a regular basis, we did pretty well. Its not bad at all. Just a small little patch that I found this afternoon. I put some cream on it a few times, and it looked a lot better at bath time! It didn't take too long at all. She doesn't seem to be uncomfortable because of it at all.
Nap times did not go all that well today. Today I pretty much had to rock her, which I never do. She was a bit cranky today, and I was sick, so I just did whatever I could to get her to nap so I could rest up. She had 3 short naps rather than the usual 2 longer ones. Still, the shortest was a half an hour, longest was a little over an hour. Bedtime is still going good though. Tonight she wasn't too tired because she had a little snooze in the car right before we started her bedtime routine. She basically just moved around in there. She was up about an hour and we only had to go in twice to reposition her because she got herself smooshed up against the crib again.... haha. poor thing. But now she is asleep. Hubby is off tomorrow and will be getting up with her so I can get a bit more rest. Not that she gets up really early. Today she got up really early for her and that was at 6:50am. So I know I have NOTHING to complain about. And trust me, I am so not complaining. Just need a bit of extra sleep to try to get rid of this flu. I rarely get sick, and I don't remember the last time it had me down for this long.
Night all and hope you all have great, uninterrupted sleep!
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