Friday, August 19, 2011

Pooped on the potty today!!

YAY! I haven't really been potty training her. I brought the potty out about a month or more ago because I was letting her run around with no diaper one night to get rid of a bum rash, and she sat in a shoe box and peed! I thought 'ok, time to bring the potty out!' I just have the potty out and I get her to sit on it when mommy is pee peeing. She loves to sit on it, and recently, she wants her diaper off when she sits on it. But she has never peed on it. She likes to wipe her bum and put the toilet paper in it, but that's about it. Oh she also loves to take the potty apart. But she was using it more as a toy, so I was thinking of putting it away for a bit, until I am on vacation in 2 weeks. But tonight, she was in the bath and we were singing and playing. I guess the singing relaxed her, because she started to poop in the tub! She has never done that before! So I asked her if she pooped, and she said yes. I picked her up and there was only 2 little pieces in there, so I put her on her potty and told her to poop. She kept getting up, and I kept putting her back. I started to sing, thinking that helped her before. So there I was singing "mmm mmm goes the little green frog one day mmm mmmm went the little green frog..." over and over again, and sure enough, she started to poop!!! She said "uh oh!" and pointed. I told her it was ok, and I made a big fuss telling her she was such a good girl, clapping, etc. She signed "more" and went back on the potty. When she got up, she seen the poop and I made a big fuss again. She again signed "more" and did it again. She wasn't actually pooping any more, but she loved the attention. Then she put the seat down and said bye bye and all gone lol What a good baby girl.

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