Sunday, October 30, 2011

Strange.... I was positive I had written another post after this.....

Oh well!

Things have been super crazy the past few months. LO's great grandma died on sept 28th, and things have not been the same since. There's a bit of a family feud going on, but I think things will calm down soon. H and I are still split, although most people still don't know. I am ready to tell people though. He keeps saying he wants to work on it, but does nothing about it. He doesn't even follow through on the specific things he says he will do.... but anyhow....

I had a great weekend with LO!!! We don't usually get to do anything fun because weekends are usually about catching up. But this weekend, H and I took her to her daycare halloween party on friday night. We dressed her up as smurfette, and she won first prize for funniest costume!!! I was so shocked. She had a ball. At first she was really shy, but by the end of it, she was running around the room and I was chasing her lol. Everyone thought her costume was so cute, and most were laughing at her running all over the place!!

The next day was quite nice. I had to be at grams old house at 330, but didn't have much else to do. I had planned to take LO to the pumpkin place a few times, but never made it. I figured sat would be a good day. Just before I started to get her ready, I read on FB that there was going to be trick or treating at the mall! So I piled her in the car, took her costume with us, and went on the hunt for a pumpkin. I got a pic or two at the pumpkin place, but when you take a 21 month old somewhere like that by yourself, you usually don't get to take too many pictures. Thats one downfall to being a single parent! But she loved it, and picked out her pumpkin. I bought one for her and one for me. It doesn't look like we will have time to carve them this year though! BOO. So right after the pumpkin place, I took her to the mall. In the car I got her costume on, and then took her in. Turns out you have to wait in this massive line to get a treat bag and a map, then you have to go to the stores in order. Yeah right. my 21 month old is not going to stand in line for that long! So she pretty much ran up and down the mall and I chased after her until the line was down, then we grabbed our bag and went to the stores. I had a little bucket for her, so her treats would get put in the bucket. She didn't get the concept, but was cool with it all lol. We didn't go to all of the stores. We were there about an hour,and she started to get cranky. She threw her bucket, and laid on the floor at one point. Yep, time to go. I was proud of myself that I took her though. I am uncomfortable in those situations, because they are all families, and then there's single me and becca. I find it kind of embarressing actually..... But I went, and we had a ball.

Then today, we woke up to snow! LO and I spent the morning making a snowman, and shovelling the deck. Well, she pretty much stood there and watched me do everything... lol she giggled at the snowman, and when I asked her what his name was, she said "puppy." Other than that, she didn't know what to think of the snow, I don't think. Then her dad had her for the afternoon, and I went shopping (OMG :o) and got some groceries. Looking forward to taking her trick or treating tomorrow night, and hopefully getting some better treats than the ones she has gotten so far... I can't eat most of them LOL

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