Wednesday, December 29, 2010

LO alone visit at daycare

On the 23rd, LO had her "alone" visit at the daycare. I brought her in, and when she was busy playing, I left. I knew she would have a hard time, and I didn't want to be there when she was crying. It breaks my heart. Well, I didn't even make it out of the driveway and I was in tears myself. I'm not someone who cries often or easily, so it even shocked me a bit. But I really don't want to go back to work, and I don't want her to be in daycare. I went to the store to buy her a toboggan for Christmas. Hubby and I figured that would be cool because we can all go sliding. She would sit in front of us, and we would just go down the hill at our house, which isn't much of a hill. And it was on sale for $25.00, which was a plus, because we are really short on $ this year. So I got it up to the cash and she rang it through. "That will be $59.00 please." WHAT?? I asked about it and it turned out the toboggan CUSHION was on sale.... OMG so I used our last $60.00 of cash to pay for it. I went to anther store to get my grandma some socks that she wanted. I had a $10 off gift card that would help. When I got to the cash, she said it was expired. OMG. But she said she could use it anyways if the computer would let her, and it did, thank goodness.

So I went to pick up LO a bit early... I peaked in and saw that one of the workers was sitting on the mat with LO on her lap. "ok" I thought.... "This didn't go so bad.." Then I walked in, and the worker saw me and said to LO "Hey look over this way. Look who's here...... I know you don't want to, but look!" and she turned LO around. LO's eyes were all red and I knew she hadn't had a good time at all. When she saw me, she started crying, crawled over to me, stood up, grabbed onto my pant legs, and, while crying, pulled them back and forth. The worker said she didn't have a good time, and wanted to be held a lot. She said "we held her as much as we possibly could." I felt terrible. I think she could see it because she kept saying "But that is normal." and "it takes a little while for them to get used to it." But nothing was making me feel better at all. So I thanked them, took LO and left.

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