Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sweet dreams are made of these

Ok so the new 'symptom' is crazy dreams!!! Not only are my dreams extremely strange, but I now eat in my dreams!!! I had this dream the other night that my Dad and brother were coming to pick me up, but I was a bit late getting ready. They were out in the car waiting and I put my shoes on and reached for the door. I decided at the last minute that I wanted some chocolate before I left, so I went over to the cupboard, and STUFFED my face full of this chocolate. Litterally, I was sporting chipmuck cheeks! And I could even taste the chocolate. LOL And out the door I went with my chipmuck cheeks. ?????

Another strange dream I had was I was standing behind a pregnant woman looking at her, and her belly was not very tall, but it stuck out from her sides by about 3 feet on either side!!!! I just stood there looking and thinking OMG I hope my belly doesn't sit like that!!! I mean seriously, these dreams are so far fetched, its actually quite amusing when I wake up and remember them.

Once again, we are on the fence with deciding if we want to find out the sex of the baby. I think it will be a last min decision. That seems to be the way I do things. :D

Today I am focusing on finding out more information about doulas and midwives. I don't think these services are available in my area (Yes, I live in THAT small of an area, its actually painful sometimes LOL) but I am still curious. Any stories you can tell me of your experience with either?

Lastnight, I ate pizza!!!! Not a big deal to most, but I am allergic to wheat, and have not been able to find a good pizza in over a year. There are some frozen gluten-free pizzas on the market, but I find the crusts either pretty tasteless, or very salty. I found a bakery in town that makes spelt crusts so I decided to give them a shot. I had to add my own toppings, which was nice because most of the ones on the market are kinda strange like spinach and cheese. It turned out wonderful!! It actually tasted like a regular pizza! I was so excited! Being wheat free is kinda tough, especially, once again, in a very small town where the gluten free section is about 2 feet wide..... So it was a small victory for me!!

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